Our Mission

Social Technology

Making the Real World Social

The original dream of a social internet was that enhanced connectivity would make the world happier and more social.

But since the smartphone revolution, we’ve been living in the digital world— on our screens— and things are going in the wrong direction.

Our team thinks there’s a different way to use technology. We believe technology can be used in the background, as a natural companion to enhance the places you go IRL.

Hi Social is pioneering a new model of in-person social networking. Our technology helps introduce the right people and groups in the real world.

We want to make socializing seamless, fun, and easy for everyone.

Defeating the Loneliness Epidemic

The Harvard Study (1939) is the oldest and most detailed scientific study we have on human well-being and happiness.

It concludes that meaningful relationships and shared experiences are the most important indicators of human health and longevity. We take this result very seriously.

Through a new approach to social technology, Hi Social hopes to put a dent in the loneliness epidemic, to reinvigorate communities and to transform the way we live.

We firmly believe everyone can have an exciting and fulfilling social life in the 21st Century. It starts with re-imagining how we use technology to socialize.